In 1999, a young Hitesh Rupani, blown away by the beauty and power of music, devoted himself to the art. He dabbled with drums, the harmonica, the harmonium and keyboards, but it was the guitar that finally won him over. He's also an accomplished vocalist. He’s began making magic with sound in 2002, and hasn’t stopped since. Holding a Masters degree in Music from the University of Limerick in Ireland, this avid performer has played with several college and local bands, and has collaborated with musicians and singers. A spirit of experimentation and non-conformity define his musical journey. Besides songs, his vast composition repertoire includes advertisement jingles and background scores.
Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the Beatles or have only happened to hear a couple of their greatest hits in the background, you know a whole wide world of western music awaits you. Whether you’re into the hard core vibe of rock and metal, or prefer a more chilled indie vibe, western music has something for everyone. The beauty of music transcends boundaries, cultures, and borders. And you can now share in this beauty, with the click of a button.
This class will offer you a sound introduction to westen vocal singing. You will learn the basics of music theory and techniques to develop your vocal technique. The class will also train your voice with the strength and skill to pursue further study.
Class Level: Beginner
Age Requirements: 6 and older
Average Class Size: 3
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